Potential Dates for online OpenMRS Fundamentals & O3 Jumpstart Academies

Hi everyone!

For the past two years, around February, we’ve offered a one hour Intro to the Community webinar for all newcomers as part of an effort to make onboarding a little easier on everyone.

Believe it or not, we’re already seeing a steady uptick of newcomers to the community who already have their sights set on GSoC 2024. We’re starting to get more and more questions about setting up environments, where to find intro tickets, etc.

@grace, the PD & Academy Team, and I have been chatting about getting ahead of the curve. Along with the new momentum around OpenMRS Academy’s we’d like to plan on holding two special online professional development events in early 2024:

  • OpenMRS Fundamentals: For anyone who is new to OpenMRS or wants to become more familiar with the changes that we’ve been seeing at OpenMRS, both as a product & as a community
  • O3 Jumpstart: For developers who want to get started with OpenMRS 3 and our new technologies.

Our ask: Tell us which weeks in January you think are best for these events. Note: we will be recording any live sessions and then posting the videos for those who can’t make a live session or two.

  • January 9, 10, 11
  • January 16, 17, 18
  • January 24, 25, 26
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