Platform 2.0 Released

I’m really excited to announce the final release for Platform 2.0. This is the first release of the 2.x family and aligns us with the latest tech stack and modern web development standards.

The milestones accomplished with this release include :

  1. Migrate to latest tech-stack : Java8, Hibernate 4.x, Spring 4.x
  2. Add FHIR support
  3. Add support for Open Web Apps (OWA)
  4. Introduce Allergy API in core
  5. Removal of deprecated methods
  6. Support all core services via REST-WS module
  7. Support Legacy-UI as a module

You can go through the Release Notes for more details. Here are the download links for the *.war file and the standalone. We also have a guide for module developers to ease to process of migrating modules to Platform 2.0.

We would love to hear all about your experience using Platform 2.0. Please do share your feedback/suggestions and comments via Talk or irc. (Ping @maany @wyclif @dkayiwa or @raff )

Platform 2.0 is a big step in shaping the future of our software distributions and it has been a great team effort by the entire community. Kudos to that!!! :smiley: I would like to thank each and every contributer from the community for their efforts in making this release a success!


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