Platform 1.8 requires Java 6, but is running under 1.8.0_03

Need help getting around this.

On running the instance, Platform is not able to start am guessing due to a conflict in the Java Version.

Which version of Java are you running?

openjdk version “1.8.0_03-Ubuntu”

Sorry i meant to ask which version Platform. :smile:

version 1.8.4

Is there any reason why you are not running version 1.11.6?

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Thanks, Kayiwa. I guess it has compatibility issues. Will consider upgrading.

Any ideas on why the installation Wizard fails…

Unable to create the database. The password might be incorrect or the database is not started. ???Error executing sql: create database if not exists ? default character set utf8 - Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.??? @michael

Platform 1.8.x is no longer supported. You will need to upgrade to a newer version.

Unsupported version