Platform 1.10.4 Standalone release

Okay, but the standalone release process as documented on the README still needs updating. Can someone take care of that?


  • Bullets #2 and #3 need to be combined because a “mvn clean” now fails with specifying a version number

  • Can bullet #5 be removed as well? It doesn’t make any sense if you are skipping bullet #4

  • Bullet #8: “If running a second time…” Running what? The mvn clean package? Does mvn clean package actually start the standalone?

  • Downloading the MVP CIEL dictionary requires access to Dropbox, and accessing Dropbox requires emailing Andy for permission (see I don’t see this has a huge blocker, but do we want to have step that requires emailing a specific person in our release process?

  • I’m out of dropbox space right now. Is there another way for me to get the dictionary?


  • Increase the maven memory: e.g. export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms1012m -Xmx2024m -XX:PermSize=556m -XX:MaxPermSize=1012m"
  • mvn clean
  • mvn package -Dopenmrs.version=1.9.0
  • If you are building standalone for OpenMRS 1.8.x you need to append the above command with -P1.8.x and put in the main directory the Demo-1.8.0.sql file from, be sure to download the appropriate demo date file for the release line
  • Update the value of the path attribute of the sqlPath tag in liquibase-demo-data.xml file to match the name of the demo data you just downloaded
  • Download the latest version of MVP CIEL dictionaly from see for how to obtain it
  • Update the value of the path attribute of the sqlPath tag in liquibase-mvp-data.xml file to match the name of the mvp data file just downloaded
  • If running a second time, ALWAYS check to make sure mysql processes on port 3326 and 3328 are stopped. If you DON’T do that, then the “mvn clean” will not really clean. A good command to use is: “pkill -f standalone” (kills anything with “standalone” in the path)
  • If compiling the standalone on a linux running machine like on ubuntu 12.04 LTS, move your clone of this standalone project into an ext file system for-example under your home directory; running it on for-example an NTFS file system will result into permission failures since by default linux may fail to modify privileges on non ext file systems.