📸 Photo Competition!

Dear community,

We are looking for high-resolution pictures of OpenMRS being used in the field! :framed_picture:

:trophy: Winners will have their photos featured in the 2023 OpenMRS Annual Report, on our website, and in additional materials. If you like, your organization can also receive special mention in the photo and supporting material.


  • Should help show people what it looks like to use OpenMRS in a field setting. (See examples below.)
  • Higher resolution = better. Phone snaps are okay.
  • Permission: Please follow your organization’s policy for relevant permissions from photo participants. We recommend avoiding showing patients’ identifiable features unless they have explicitly consented. Passwords and/or private patient information should not be readable.
  • Please mention in your post if you require attribution to your organization or the photographer.

Submission Goal: Post your pictures here in this thread by January 14 for guaranteed entry into the competition :smiley:

CC @kmuiruri @slubwama @eachillah @mksrom @caseynth2 @wanyee @ball @ddesimone @fanderson and please tag anyone else you think may be interested :smiley:

Examples for a little inspiration: image


All these photos should have attribution to Partners In Health. They are all taken by me at Wellbody Clinic and Koidu Government Hospital in Sierra Leone.