Issue or Question:
Hello, I have downloaded Reference Application 2.9.0 (Individual Components for Advanced Installation) and I have deployed OpenMRS 2.9.0 in Tomcat 8 with MySQL 5.6 (and with all Add-Ons). Everything is ok…just when I started to see the available resources. In WebServices, I don´t find /personimage resource. I have been checking in other OpenMRS instances (SDK for example) and this resource is availabe. Anyone knows if this resource (/personimage) is not availabe in Ref.App. 2.9.0 (plataform 2.2.0)?
@david.corrales yes person image folder has no person images which is ok my perspective,what is your main case in use of person image.or what was your idea. thanks
@david.corrales not all modules are included on the UI. To find that module and add on your app click on System Administration - Advanced Administration - Manage modules - add or upgrade module - face list module.
about OpenMRS instances I mean that I have tested OpenMRS SDK deploy, where I can find the EMRapi Module with Patient Image Resource (Rest Service). The problem is that if I take the OpenMRS 2.9.0 Ref.App Platform + Addons (EMRapi included) and deploy it in Tomcat 8 with MySQL 5.6, everything looks ok, but If I list the resources (…/openmrs/module/webservices/rest/apiDocs.htm) the person image resource doesn´t appear:
I don´t know why this resource doesn´t appear in my OpenMRS 2.9.0 Ref App + Addons instance. I have checked the EMRapi module, and it´s started properly in my instance.