Permissions to access Order Entry UI functionality

I think I’ve figured it out. The answer is actually given here:

… but for the next person who finds this thread:

You need a privilege named ‘App: orderentryui.drugOrders’ and you need to assign this privilege to an appropriate role. In my system, the users have the role ‘Application: Uses Patient Summary’ so I used the following commands in the database:

insert into privilege values ('App: orderentryui.drugOrders', 'Allows access to order entry page', 'c696ddf8-0fe5-11ec-9f95-005056bc15d1');
insert into role_privilege values('Application: Uses Patient Summary','App: orderentryui.drugOrders');

There’s probably a way to do that via the UI as well, but I like SQL, so that’s how I solved it.