Afraid no. By the way, we moved patient identifier search to lucene search.
There has been discussion on moving the rest of patient search to lucene.
Instead of fixing the same SQL based way, I would prefer if we solve it using lucene.
Also, we had some some research of revamping the UI completely for patient search.
Maybe worthwhile to work on all these together?
Question: would it make sense to search by just age, without any other additional filter, say name? Also, I would think it would not be an exact search, rather something like patient’s DOB equal or greater than the specified date?
OK, thanks @angshuonline.
Our client prefers to search by Age, rather than DoB, they find it easier. But they would still be ok with DoB if that’s what the product offers. And yes that would be a range: Age min/max.
The use case is that 99% of the time, Age (or DoB) will be searched in combination with the Name or the Village filters.
Currently I can not offer much of our help on migrating the search to Lucene, as it would take too much time.
This client’s requirement is a “nice to have” feature. I will put that in our product development TODO list and see if further funding can be dedicated to this.
However, with the current SQL technology, could you point me to where this happens, so I can see if that’s too much time to change it. If not, as usual, we’ll be happy to PR the results
Hi @mksrom How did you resolve the issue? I have a similar request to configure a field to search for patients based on their date of birth or age.
CC: @angshuonline , @mksd