In the openmrs database
In the event_records table uri column was null therefore I had deleted records from table event_records where category = ‘addressHierarchy’.
@amolsatvix sync the data and the patient will be allocated an identifier.
if thats not happening, it can mean that the sync is not happing. check in the server if the patient can be searched by other attributes.
basically, narrow down to figure out where the problem is, see the logs … both client and server
@amolsatvix - the logs are from the server. You will need to investigate the logs in Connect.
The fact that the server was able to handle the POST request and successfully create the patient meant that the POST request went fine. As part of the POST response, it sends out the identifiers as well.
You should check the connect logs to see why the response is not handled, the client side log should give you ideas. Few pointers:
Is this replicable using Connect while used as PWA? The database is different (indexDB for PWA and SQlite for Android). If this works with PWA, you can narrow it down to Android version
Can you please check your event_log table? Also, check the filter for the device in the local_storage of android. You find it by connecting the device to chrome (laptop) and hit chrome://inspect