Patient encounters do not display for a specific patient

Hi everyone, I am using openmrs 2.2.1. There is one patient when I select does not display any encounter even when you search them. It display “processing” at the top of the page but does not display any encounter. When you look on mysql this patient has 23 encounters.

I have attached the image and tomcat log file

Which version of the legacyui module are you running?

I am using legacyui 1.8.0.

Do you still get this error when you try using the latest version of this module?

Yes I have try legacyui 1.22.0 I still get the same error.

Can you create a ticket for it?

Before I create a ticket I was checking the data on mysql side and I have some observations.

I tried to void encounters on mysql side and observed that there encounters created by two users(creator/user_id no. 20 and 89) when I voided them I can see other encounters on patient dashboard. So I think maybe if I update some of the information on these users all the encounters will be displayed.

I am attaching the user table to see if anybody has an idea that there is something missing for these users. users.csv (1.2 KB)

Can you include the patient_id column values?

Did you mean on this query?

Another observation is that for the two user when you search and select them on Administration>Manage users page you get an error below.

The browser does not normally give the full log.

I have attached the log on the pastebin user error -

This is not the full log.

How about this? I hope it shows more details user error1 -

Does it include what you shared in the browser?

Yes it does.