Patient access to treatment notes

Interesting article

Has OpenMRS considered interoperating with

Hello OpenMRS Community.

I am a novice informatician, a physician from India and I downloaded OpenMRS today. This is my first instance of seeing an EHR. I am aware of Open Notes movement and was wondering if Open Notes can be integrated with OpenMRS.

If yes, I would love to be connected with the respective Work Group and Would like to integrate that Module into my OpenMRS copy.

A message from the OpenNotes Cmmunity

Mayank, Thanks for your note. OpenNotes is a movement is trying to get health organizations and medical groups throughout the world to more easily and quickly share notes. We do not provide products or services to directly do so. In the US we know that the 5 largest vendors of electronic medical records support easy access to notes via patient portals. So right now the first challenge for OpenNotes is to get EMR vendors to support it. Do you have an electronic record? If so do you have a patient portal? Who is your vendor for each? If you do not have an electronic record or a patient portal then you can do OpenNotes by just giving your patients a paper copy of your note at every visit—without them having to ask. Explain what it is since some folks do not realize clinicians make notes and keep them. Send them to our site if they want to learn more and join our movement. Does this help?"

OpenNotes Implementation Tool Kit for Health Professionals:

Am not aware of any group that is doing an integration of this with OpenMRS.