Page not found when opening first module from Administration page.

Application Name: First Module created but won’t display

Question: Hi everyone. I’m new to working with OpneMRS and am trying to create my first module called basicexample. I have followed the steps from here (Making Your First Module · GitBook) and have been able to get my new module added to the administrator page but when I try to open it, I get an error page as I showed bellow. Im not sure what I’ve done wrong because i followed the instructions. I have been stuck on this for 2 days so would appreciate any help. Thank you.



@ray kindly sometimes its caused by the URL written incorrectly during the creation process or a redesign, linked incorrectly, or typed into the browser incorrectly for instance in the URI you are having basicexample.form did you use form extension when creating your module?

Hey @ray do you mind trying Create and Deploy Your First OpenMRS Module - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki first then we shall jump to the link you shared above later.

Follow the instructions there keenly and watch the file extensions used.

No I did not use .form extension. I named the module basicexample. How can I check that it’s linked correctly?

kindly I haven’t ignored your question but am a bit confused on the way forward and am ready to learn from the solution provided by other community members. Am sorry for being unable to help!

Thank you, I have tried following these steps you linked to but am getting a different error. The module is unable to be started at all and this is the error I’ m getting.

(Module Myfirstmodule cannot be started because it requires the following module(s): uicommons ${uicommonsModuleVersion},uiframework ${uiframeworkVersion},appframework ${appframeworkVersion},appui ${appuiVersion} Please install and start these modules first.)

It looks like your dependant module variables are not replaced during the compilation process. Just remove the version attributes from the require_module nodes in your config.xml file and compile again.

Should I remove the entire require_version tags from the config file? I’ve added a picture of the file just for clarification because I’m new to this. Thank you.

No, not at all.

Would you kindly clarify what I should do as the config.xml file does not have a require_module node?

It will be easier for you to just post your original module on github for us to see and advise accordingly.

These are my first module creation attempts.