Ozone setup error via docker

Hi, Here trying to set up the Ozone server, there is this error that am getting when I do run start-demo.sh

Unpacking /root/.m2/repository/com/ozonehis/ozone-distro/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/ozone-distro-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip to /home/ubuntu/ozone-docker/ozone/ozone-distro-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT with includes "" and excludes ""
[WARNING] Unable to expand to file /home/ubuntu/ozone-docker/ozone/ozone-distro-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/odoo_config/config/initializer_config.json
[WARNING] Unable to expand to file /home/ubuntu/ozone-docker/ozone/ozone-distro-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/odoo_config/config/odoo.conf

Could this be permission-related or docker-compose is not finding the file path?


CC: @ruhanga

@abertnamanya could you share the full error report via pastebin.com?

@abertnamanya this indeed looks like a permissions issue when maven tries to extract the distro zip. Could you follow the manual steps and let us know how that goes?

Thanks, @kdaud and @achachiez , Yeah it was the issue with the permissions but now it’s perfectly running. :blush:


@abertnamanya could you share the OS you are running?. It would be nice for the community to know what you did - and for us to document it in the READMEs if necessary.

Oh, yeah I used the manual steps , https://github.com/ozone-his/ozone-docker/blob/main/readme/manual-setup.md

Am running on Ubuntu 20.04

Hi @abertnamanya, the installation steps documented on the README has been updated so you could as well use the Quick start approach to set up ozone FOSS locally.


Thanks @kdaud