Ozone on Oracle Cloud ARM M1 (Ubuntu server)

Hello, I am using opensource Ozone in oracle cloud Arm m1 on the Ubuntu server, but it not working. Do you know what is pre-requirement for run the Ozone softer install?

Hello @shahin1 because of the cutting edge nature of the current release things tend to break a lot we are working towards a stable release in the coming weeks.

It would be awesome. Also, do you know if it is a pre-require any software needs to install? Also, I will advice if you guys make Virtualbox images with this new software. It would be easy for us to use it. Do you have any plans for it?

@shahin1 and hopefully a first 1.0.0-alpha as soon as this week.

:point_right: see on Slack

We have made the conscient decision to focus on Docker, which is by the way the most important thing that is needed to install. There is no plan, at least at the moment, to provide virtual machines for Ozone.