OWA Yeoman Generator v0.3.0 Release

Thanks to the great work by @tmarzeion, @gutkowski & @raff, we have a new version of the OpenMRS Open Web App Yeoman Generator available.

The main features of this release are:

To update your version, run:

npm install -g generator-openmrs-owa

Good work team! :tada:


About to play around with this for the first time.

I notice that the first line under Getting Started on generator-openmrs-owa - npm says

Install dependencies: npm install --global yo gulp bower

I guess this should be updated to include webpack, and to drop bower and gulp?

Also, the default value of

What is the path of your local Open Web Apps directory?

seems wrong (it doesn’t end in /owa, at least not when I chose SDK).


I’ll take a look. I’ve never used it with the SDK.


First off, this is great, and I love that it allowed me to get started with ES6, webpack, and browsersync without previously knowing anything about these. And it got me started writing component-style Angular code, which I would definitely have skipped learning about, if this approach hadn’t made it so easy. Thanks to all involved!

There’s one obvious thing missing, though: there’s no testing library! Do we have a good practice example yet? (At a glance I think this ES6 and component approach is going to make unit testing JavaScript much easier since we’ll be able to unit test most files without having to muck around with Angular hacks. So let’s get people doing this from the beginning.)

I see that https://github.com/rkorytkowski/openmrs-owa-conceptdictionary and https://github.com/PawelGutkowski/openmrs-contrib-uicommons have jasmine and karma. I understand that https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-metadatamapping/blob/master/owa is supposed to show off the newer style, but it doesn’t have any tests yet…

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Thanks @darius, I agree we absolutely need to have testing set up. I have some (ES6) testing set up in openmrs.js that uses mocha/karma/chai, but we can definitely discuss what we want to use. I’ve created a ticket for that discussion and work here:

The two wiki pages that discuss how to build and deploy OWA apps still reference gulp in their workflow.



Is it cool if I update them to be current with the npm and webpack workflow? It was a little bit tricky getting started doing this as a newbie, and it might save some others some time if the walkthrough is up to date.


Sure, go ahead. Sorry about the confusion.