OWA packaged as zip throws errors on the console

Building my owa it works while in development. That is when I build and deploy using

npm run build:prod 

npm run build:deploy

But when I try to deploy using the zip file that was generated build:prod, the app breaks with the following errors in console.

vendor.bundle.ecf4fb29795ff397f0cb.js:4 Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: eProvider <- e http://errors.angularjs.org/1.6.6/$injector/unpr?p0=eProvider%20<-%20e at vendor.bundle.ecf4fb29795ff397f0cb.js:2 at vendor.bundle.ecf4fb29795ff397f0cb.js:2 at Object.r [as get] (vendor.bundle.ecf4fb29795ff397f0cb.js:2) at vendor.bundle.ecf4fb29795ff397f0cb.js:2 at r (vendor.bundle.ecf4fb29795ff397f0cb.js:2) at i (vendor.bundle.ecf4fb29795ff397f0cb.js:2) at Object.a [as invoke] (vendor.bundle.ecf4fb29795ff397f0cb.js:2) at f.instance (vendor.bundle.ecf4fb29795ff397f0cb.js:3) at p (vendor.bundle.ecf4fb29795ff397f0cb.js:3) at a (vendor.bundle.ecf4fb29795ff397f0cb.js:3) “


Also I noticed that files generated when deployed using the deploy command are different from the files generated by the build command.

Hmm, that Unknown provider error definitely looks familiar, but if it seems different from OMRSJS-18, then we should probably go ahead and log another ticket.

Also I noticed that files generated when deployed using the deploy command are different from the files generated by the build command.

If I remember correctly, the prod build is uglified, so I expect there to be a difference. Unless you mean something else?

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@pascal thanks for your response.

Yeah I think that is what is happening. I just thought maybe should point it out.

The build part is a blocker for me. I cannot continue development. While when using deployment works fine but I don’t know how to modify the deploy goal to include some other files I want. I’m using sw-precache module. And after installing the module, it generates a service worker file from the contents of the dist folder generated by the build goal. I don’t know how to make it generate this service worker for the deploy goal instead.

To generate my service worker file. I do

npm run build:prod 

That will generate a dist folder. Now to generate a service worker from the contents of the dist folder, I have this in my script “sw”: “sw-precache --root=dist --config=sw-precache-config.js” so running

npm run sw

will add a service worker file in dist/service-worker.js. But this does not affect the deploy and I don’t even understand how the deploy creates it’s files so the app that is always deployed does not have this service-worker.js and I can’t use the version packaged with the build goal because of the error I posted earlier.


I found a work around. Instead of using

npm run build:prod

I am using

npm run build:dev

The deploying the /dist folder generated by the latter does not give those errors. I can use this until the prod build is fixed.

But since I’ll not be using the deploy. This will mean I won’t be getting live reloads. I’d have to redeploy on every change. Painful but I got no other choice.


I’m glad you found a workaround. Did you create a ticket for this? If/when you do, can you include a link to your repo?

But since I’ll not be using the deploy. This will mean I won’t be getting live reloads.

Live reloads should only ever work with npm run watch. Is that what you were using before?