OpenMRS SDK 2.0-alpha has been released!

Hi guys!

I am happy to announce, that today I am and my mentor @raff released the new OpenMRS SDK 2.0-alpha! Everyone can use it and test! The wiki page for new SDK: wiki The SDK is currently alpha, so I will be happy to get your feedback, your thoughts about, bugs, proposals for improvements. I hope, that SDK which we’ve done will be useful for developers. Enjoy :smile:


Nice work dmytro! kudos++

Thank you, Harsha


Congrats! поздоровлення!


Congrats @dmytro_trifonov! Nice work! Keep up the amazing work!

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Nice work, will check it out.

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Thanks a lot! Дуже дякую :slight_smile:

2.0-beta released! @burke, @darius, @dkayiwa, @wyclif, would you like to give it a try? Dmytro is looking for some feedback from dev/5s as well! We have extra time for additional features so do not miss the opportunity to suggest some!

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