OpenMRS Reference Application User home page (new design)

I have designed a minimalistic UI for this task on GCI.

The design that I have made is attached. I made minimalist icons that were coordinating with the tabs and functions. I replaced the search tab with a search bar to make the grid uniform.

I hope it’s satisfactory.



Looks cool @tixpro :wink:

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thanks man!

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That’s amazing! @tixpro

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Greatwork @tixpro

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woah, thats pretty cool!

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Great work, man.

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Best @tixpro


nice work @tixpro :grinning:

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@ayesh do you mind investigating in the change of color fonts especially on the naming the UI homedesign page as we have seen, this is agreat work but was suggesting if possible to make to make the naming of the UI apps more colored to make it more visible

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@sharif yes noted and yes this will not affect the ref app anyways since we don’t have an idea immediately to change the design of the home page

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@ayesh @sharif I think that I can help OpenMRS with its design-work. I have seen the current designs of the websites, posters, UIs, banners etc. and I believe they could do with a lot of improvement. Please tell me if I can help and contribute to OpenMRS (mainly in design) - even after GCI ends. I’ll be more than happy to help.

Hello @tixpro , The UI looks so cool :innocent: How can I get this UI in my openmrs reference app. Have you contributed this design to openMrs therefore I can use this design. Thanks in Advance.

Hey @atiq , thank you. This contribution was made as a part of GCI 2019. Could you please elaborate on what you want to use it for?

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Thanks @tixpro , actually I like the design I want to include this ui in my openmrs setup that I configured for the hospital.

contact me for further details. email -

You can go ahead and code this design, if you want designs for more screens you can contact me

Thanks @tixpro , I will contact you in few days.