OpenMRS RefApp 3.3.1 Release! 🎉

Hey everybody!

We’ve (finally) released 3.3.1! :rocket: Its out and available on, if you want to take it out for a spin!

Obviously, never enough said though, this is all thanks to our very dedicated contributors. With every milestone, OpenMRS just gets better, thanks to all of you!

Detailed Release Notes

If you want to read about what’s included in this release, here’s the detailed release notes - :backhand_index_pointing_right: :backhand_index_pointing_left:


This release contained mostly maintenance and various fixes, here are some highlights:

  1. Upgraded to Platform 2.7: O3 RefApp now using latest version of platform.
  2. Support for More Order Types: the order basket now supports adding more order types.
  3. Form builder improvements: Support for creating obsGroup questions.
  4. Icons in Patient Chart’s left navigation: Added support for left nav icons.
  5. Consistent patient banner: Refactored occurrences of patient banner to be visually consistent

Thank you so much to the following contributors - you make releases like this possible! Alphabetically by Organization affiliation:

Detailed Changelogs:


:star_struck: excited to contribute even more

Love to contribute more!!! :heart:

Great to see this release, @nethmi ! Excited to contribute more :heart:

Congrats on the 3.3.1 release! :rocket: Huge thanks to all the contributors who made this happen. OpenMRS keeps getting better with each milestone! Also, big thanks to @nethmi for sharing this great news with the community. As a new contributor, I’m excited to be part of this journey and look forward to contributing more!