Dear community , Squads , Implementations
As you may know the openmrs community routinely does atleast one release of the OpenMRS Platform per year.
The openmrs platform squad would therefore like to gather feedback about issues you would like to see addressed in the forth coming OpenMRS Platform 2.5 version release
It could be in any of , but not limited to the following categories :-
- New Features
- Bug fixes
- Improvements
Give us feedback via any of the following channels
1 . Openmrs talk :
This thread and
2 . Our squad slack channels
pih @mogoodrich @mseaton @ball
@MekomSolutions @mksd @ruhanga
@Intellisoft @wayee
@Bahmni @angshuonline
RwandaEMR ,
NigeriaEMR , @ggomez
KenyaEMR ,
Esuade @carina
NepalEMR @suruchi
@OpenSRP @natschja
cc @burke @dkayiwa , @ibacher @grace @jennifer @moshon @corneliouzbett @bistenes @gcliff @sharif @jecihjoy @navareth @insookwa @herbert24 @antoniomacheve @marinachichava @zuzanna
Feel free to append anyone i have left out
Regards Tendo