Openmrs Platform 2.4.0-beta released

Hello folks;

Am pleased to inform the community that openmrs platform 2.4.0-beta has been released and ready for final testing :smiley:

Feel free to checkout the release notes for some of the new cool features plus the download link.

We are thankful to our wonderful developers for their contributions in making this release possible and humbly inviting implementers and volunteers to help with testing this release.

Thank you

@burke @grace @jennifer @ibacher @wanyee @mogoodrich


Thank you so much @gcliff - I applaud your tireless commitment to getting this release out the door!

What’s our timeline goal for the full release - i.e. how long do we typically give people to test the beta before we release the final version?

Well done @gcliff on this, do we have any test scenarios ready that we can use for testing?

@gcliff thank you very much for your work :slight_smile: I have seen that we still have 2 PRs for the JUnit 5 migration that are not yet merged. One in openmrs-core regarding the deprecation of old classes and another one in the webservice module which could still affect the dependencies of openmrs-cores test module.

It would be great to get some help from @ibacher and @dkayiwa especially on the second PR so we get it right. Thank you!


sure , we can have this in the final release :+1:

sure,Log In - OpenMRS Wiki

You can also do rest and fhir API queries

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we intend to have a full release version before the year ends and we can always do maintenance releases even after the final release

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well done @gcliff

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