Hello everyone,
We are excited to announce that we will start the 17th sprint for Open Concept Lab for OpenMRS. The sprint will last for 2 days. In this sprint, we will focus on implementing feedback provided by stakeholders towards accomplishing the MVP.
Below are the details about this sprint:
Start date : 25th March 2019
End date : 27th March 2019
Jira Board : https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=180
Github repository : https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-ocl-client
Wiki page : https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/projects/OpenMRS+OCL+Client+Sprint+17
Team Lead : Daniel Kayiwa(@dkayiwa )
Development team
- Allan Guwatudde (@sheriff )
- Jude Atuhaire Innocent (@judeatu )
- Bruce Makaaru (@brucemakallan )
- Kayabula Alex Joseph (@alexkayabula )
- Paul Kayondo (@paulk )
- Dancan Uluma (@danuluma )