OpenMRS iOS Client Released

Hi folks!

I’m proud to announce that the iOS OpenMRS Client is now available in all App Stores for download!

uzanysa made an awesome promo video for the app - go watch it!


  • Login to any OpenMRS installation
  • Search for patients
  • Add patients to the database
  • View patient visits and vitals
  • Record a patient’s vitals
  • Take visit notes
  • Use the app offline. You can store selected patients to an encrypted database on your device, then access them anywhere in the world.

The ultimate goal of this project is to build a fully functional iOS app that can be used by healthcare staff to create and update patient information through OpenMRS’ REST API. The full source code of the project is available on GitHub, and contributions are welcome!

A full user guide is available on the OpenMRS wiki, along with a technical guide.



I love that icon!! How the doctor, patient, manager are showing off their iDevices :smile:


Wonderful work Parker & Zoe! Thank you once again.

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Saptarshi, Yes its really cool. That app icon and splash along with this Promo video was created by @uzanysa. Thanks Zoe!


This looks awesome, great work!

Parker, I hoped to try out this release today, but it fails to start for me. When I hit the icon, it seems like the app opens and closes in the same second. There’s no visible error message. I don’t know how to troubleshoot that and find the reason. Any ideas? I’m testing on iOS 7.1.2 and iPhone 4.

Rafal, is this on the version from the App Store or when building it from source? I’m not seeing any crash logs in iTunes yet, could you send me one? If you sync your device with iTunes, they’ll be in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/<DEVICE_NAME>. Thanks!


Thanks Parker. Strangely I don’t see any relevant crash reports there. Let me know if I can debug in any other way.

I was just able to reproduce this, reported in IOS-6.

This should be fixed once Apple approves v1.1.