openmrs event_log table not getting updated automatically

I am facing a problem with event_log table:

I have created one observation form, the concept I am able to see in event_records table but I am not able to see the concept in event_log table.

Due to this issue observation form concepts are not syncing in Bahmni Connect Andriod App.

I have restarted the service bahmni-event-log-service also but still the concepts are not added into event_log table
bahmni-event-log-service log here

Is there any other thing i need to check, please suggest how to solve this.

@mayank3194, have you been able to solve this problem? (I am having the same problem right now)

OK, not sure why yet, but I have found that I had to truncate the event_log table for the bahmni-event-log-service to re-process it all and unlock the situation. (as suggested by @sumanmaity112 here - Bahmni Connect: new offline sync strategy)

mysql> truncate event_log;


ok. Thanks for the help. I will try that and comment what the results are…

Any update on the issue?