openmrs-esm-template-app being cloned

I cloned openmrs-esm-template-app at GitHub - openmrs/openmrs-esm-template-app: A "Hello World" app you can use as a template for creating new microfrontends and installed the npm dependances, it went smoothly but at the end i got an err , and I run npm start returns OPENMRS IS NOT RECOGNISED AS INTERNAL / EXTERNAL command , some help .

@josephkagimu1 Basing on the logs the error is originating from the node version you are running you need to upgrade it. To solve this:

  • Go to the path where you can find the debug log (this file is found in your npm-cache folder) C:\Users\IT- Students\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\
  • Delete the NPM and NPM-Cache folder, but DO NOT reinstall node. Once deleted go back to your command line and re-use the command " npm install -g npm@latest "

@josephkagimu1 for curiosity you may also want to follow this link: GitHub - nvm-sh/nvm: Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions and learn about NVM (Node Version Manager). Once installed on your local machine, it will be very helpful whenever need arises to switch to a specific node version required by the specific application. You may not want to miss this.

thanks every one for the nice direction

@jwnasambu I loved the way you directed me but still I got an error but am to persist on it

Am sorry. Go to the path where you can find the debug log( this file is found in your npm-cache folder) C:\Users\IT- student\AppData\Roaming. Delete the NPM and NPM-Cache folder, but DO NOT reinstall node . once deleted go back to your comand line and re-use the command " npm install -g npm@latest "

@josephkagimu1 am sorry I don’t the path to the 2 folders on your machine but I believe you can easily trace them. Besides it will okay to share the output and what you have tried out so that it can help those willing to guide on the way forward.