
Making a hello world module in android client using the jitpack library and document it.

Can anyone explain me what is the requirement? For the above issue.

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updated the description in the wiki you can have a look.


@avinash14022002 Try browsing through tickets related to the android client. I’ll advice you to look for introductory(Intro) tickets. That will give you a boost in understanding OpenMRS android client code base. Then from there on, you can go for more complex issues.

Best regards.

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@saurabh It’s mentioned in the GSoc documentation to prepare a reference “hello world” module. “Hello world” doesn’t give any particular idea about the module which needs to be build. Does it mean “to prepare a generic module from which future modules can take reference to”?

Your valuable clarifications would be appreciated like what particular module needs to be build with Jitpack library?

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I ve updated the wiki description, I hope that answers your question, you can always pitch in your ideas while submitting proposals which solves the problem here and here in a creative way :slight_smile: .

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Thanks for the follow up @saurabh The wiki description clearly answers my question

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