OpenMRS Android Client 2.9.0 released!

Hi, everyone

After ~2 months of hard work on v2.8.4, we are proud to release the latest version: 2.9.0! :partying_face: Now we will move to a new phase of development to make it compatible with different platforms…

A lot of new features added:

Changes in User Interface

  • Updated UI for different activities
  • Removed Collapsable bar in provider dashboard

Code Quality management

  • Added repository layer for different activities to ensure abstraction
  • Migrated codebase to kotlin
  • Removed unused resources
  • Overloaded methods of AppDataBase Helper class
  • Removed unnecessary param passing to the repository to ensure data safety
  • Migrated Chart ListAdapter to RecyclerView

Module Addition

  • Added allergy based on server configuration with ADD, DELETE, UPDATE features
  • Created offline support for Allergy module

Fixed app crashes

  • Fixed app restarts on downloading concepts
  • Fixed crash at admission form by using live data
  • Fixed Release version blocker
  • Added possible NPE checks at PatientComparator

App is available for download in our releases page .

Thanks a lot to @f4ww4z and @gcliff for mentoring this release and @saurabh for assisting me throughout and making this release a much better success… :star_struck:

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@rishabh997 Congratulations for the good work done!


congs @rishabh997 ,thanks for the efforts


@rishabh997 awesome work,thanks


yes!! @rishabh997 good work done :star_struck: , more work to be done making it more configurable !!