OpenMRS 3 installation

When trying to navigate http://localhost:8080/openmrs/spa/login then , Getting Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL:

Step to install:

Step 1

Run the following command to setup the SDK:

mvn openmrs-sdk:setup

This command will run a prompt that walks you through choosing:

  • A server ID e.g. o3-distro.
  • The type of server to set up - choose O3 Distribution.
  • What version of O3 to deploy - choose Reference Application 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
  • Which port to run the server on (defaults to 8080).
  • Whether or not to enable remote debugging (defaults to no debugging)
  • When asked to choose which database to use. Choose MySQL 5.6 and above (requires pre-installed MySQL 5.6 and above). This step is contingent on you having set up your MySQL installation up correctly.
  • When asked to choose a MySQL database uri, go with the default database uri presented.
  • When asked to specify your database username, specify whatever you chose when setting up your MySQL installation (defaults to root).
  • When asked to enter your database password, enter your database password.
  • Once you’re connected to the database, select the JDK version you’d like to use to run the server (e.g. whatever JAVA_HOME points to).

Step 2

Run the following command to fire up the SDK:

mvn openmrs-sdk:run

Step 3

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/openmrs on your browser. You should expect the see the backend getting set up. Once that completes, you can navigate to http://localhost:8080/openmrs/spa.

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Are you able to reproduce this when you run the latest version of the SDK?

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