OpenMRS '23 State of the Union Videos

This year, we had a full-scope approach to the Opening Address / State of the Union messages at the OMRS’23 conference during today’s “Virtual Day”.

Because so many of our community couldn’t be there in person, we pre-recorded 2 videos for you!

Special thanks to @dkigen @jayasanka and @raff for your special appearances in the Global Product Support Team video :star_struck:

State of the Union Opening Address from Executive Director @paul

State of the Union from the Global Product Support Team

Thank you so much community for your continued support for us - we wake up every day wondering how we can better serve you. You make OpenMRS possible! :heart: :pray: :bowing_man: :heart:


Thank you!!! Would love to see the Nigeria report as well :). Wish I was there with you!