It has been two years since we last had an in-country OpenMRS Implementers’ conference and went virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the whole world. The globe is slowly coming out of the pandemic in terms of living and managing the spread of the virus. At OMRS21, most community members expressed their interest in resuming the physical meetings. As a community, we would also like to ease back into holding annual meetings in person once more. This year we would like to give it a try.
In 2019, we started asking countries to apply for one of the next twoconferences to help countries with advance planning. As a result, the host country applications are now open for OpenMRS 2022 and 2023. We welcome countries to apply to either host the 2022 or the 2023 OpenMRS Implementers’ Conference.
This year’s conference will be one of its kind as it will be a hybrid meeting. We will have all sessions streamed online, allowing members who will not be able to travel to attend the conference virtually.
If you are interested in hosting the 2022 or 2023 OpenMRS Implementers’ Conference, please review the following criteria we’ve developed to help ensure success and guide you in the preparations for this event:
- Significant local OpenMRS community activity, that is, a presence of regional community with the country, hackathons, long-standing community membership e.t.c.
- Country helps support the long-term strategic interests of the OpenMRS community
- Easy access, that is, good international airport, liberal visa policies, local transportation.
- Availability of travel and hotel infrastructure suitable to host the meeting.
- COVID_19 physical meeting guidelines for international travel.
- Provision of good security throughout the conference.
- Commitment to OpenMRS as a network, regional, or country level platform for patient-level record keeping.
- Strong local hosting organization with an ability to engage local resources/sponsorship
- Underserved environment.
- Willingness to host site visits.
The country with the strongest application that meets the above criteria will be selected to host the 2022 OpenMRS Implementers’ Conference. Unless otherwise stated, any applications for OMRS22 that are not selected will be included as applicants for the 2023 Implementers’ conference.
If interested, please fill in the following application form: Here
Application timeline
- Applications Due: 20 March 2022.
- Q&A session: 16 February 2022.
- Review of the host country applications: 21 March 2022- 10 April 2022.
- Announcement of the host country: 11 April 2022- 15 April 2022.
- Announcement of the meeting dates: 15 May 2022.
- Meeting dates could be in October, November or December 2022.
Feel free to add your comments and questions to this talk thread.