Hi All,
With the OpenMRS 2019 Conference starting next week, and the Hackathon kicking things off, we wanted to share some info with those attending the event. The Hackathon will take place over the course of 1 and a 1/2 days, commencing on 2nd Dec 2019 and coming to a close on 3rd Dec 2019 at 1:00 pm, to pave way to the official opening of the conference on the same day.
There are some great ongoing conversations on brainstorming ideas for the Hackathon, and the topics and issues that have been proposed so far have been documented in the 2019 Implementers Conference Hackathon wiki page. Please continue making suggestions and adding to the wiki page. We will use the wiki page during the event to add links to notes and presentations, so that others can refer to this after the event.
For each topic/session, there should one or more ambassadors to facilitate the session. Don’t let this stop you from proposing topics though - if there is no ambassador listed we will ask people to step up and support these topics. There is also a dedicated stream for High Priority Issues - these are smaller issues raised by the community and/or from the core OpenMRS roadmap to be tackled at the Hackathon, and in some cases may be broken out into broader topics/challenges that are tackled over the course of the event.
Two more things to take note of:
- At the start of the Hackathon, we’ll ask topic ambassadors to do a short 5 minute presentation outlining the challenge they’ll be working on, to help attendees identify tracks of interest and any overlap/synergies with other topics where it may be worthwhile combining tracks. At the end of the event, we will also ask ambassadors to present back to the community on the outcomes of their track. Ideally, these presentations could include a few slides or demo, that we’ll link to on the wiki page for others to refer to after the event.
- In the spirit of the GSoC Mentor Summit Chocolate Table (Google it if you don’t know what we’re on about), we’re asking Hackathon attendees to bring chocolate(s) or any other local sweet treat to the event, which will be laid out on a table for anyone to pick from during the course of the event. This is entirely optional, don’t feel bad if you don’t bring anything, you’re still welcome to sample from the table.
Have a great week and see you all next week in Maputo!