I try adding the OpenHMIS Cashier Module 3.3.5 in OpenMRS 2.5, but it’s error in out. Did anyone try this Module on the current version yet.
Kindly feel free to look at this guide OpenHMIS Cashier Module - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki.
What error are you getting,I think some time too has to be invested in getting the cashier module running with openmrs current versions,many folks this year have been trying to run but not much successful
openhmis.commons-3.2.1.txt (468.9 KB) This is the error message I am getting
I tried to add this module (.omod downloaded from OpenMRS add-ons site) to OpenMRS Platform 2.6.14. But, this module was not starting as the inventory module that was a dependency for this module was not started. The corresponding logs are attached in the following link:
So, I tried to build the omod from the latest openmrs-module-openhmis.cashier codebase. But, the build fails; Attaching the logs here:
The usecase I am trying to test is billing and payment. But, due to these issues, I am unable to proceed with the validation. Can somebody confirm if this is the right module to be used for billing? If yes, then please provide some guidance on how to overcome this issue. If not, please throw some lights on which module needs to be used for billing workflows along with some documentation related to that.
You will also need to compile this module: GitHub - banda-health/openmrs-module-openhmis.commons: An open source HMIS built on top of OpenMRS
Thanks @dkayiwa.
I had built the following modules as well in addition to openmrs-module-openhmis.commons to overcome the build errors completely: GitHub - banda-health/openmrs-module-openhmis.commons: An open source HMIS built on top of OpenMRS GitHub - banda-health/openmrs-module-openhmis.inventory: The OpenHMIS Inventory Module GitHub - banda-health/openmrs-module-jasperreports GitHub - banda-health/openmrs-module-openhmis.backboneforms: Use Backbone-based UIs and forms with OpenMRS
Once the build was successful, I noticed the following error during the startup: liquibase.exception.MigrationFailedException: Migration failed for change set liquibase.xml::openhmis.inventory-v1.0-1::ibewes:
Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Failed to add the foreign key constraint. Missing unique key for constraint 'inv_stock_operation_recipient_id_fk' in the referenced table 'inv_recipient' [Failed SQL: (6125) ALTER TABLE openmrs_o3_distro_2_7_0_demo_data.inv_stock_operation ADD CONSTRAINT inv_stock_operation_recipient_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (recipient_id) REFERENCES openmrs_o3_distro_2_7_0_demo_data.inv_recipient (recipient_id)]*
To overcome that issue, I updated openmrs-module-openhmis.inventory/omod/src/main/resources/liquibase.xml as follows and re-deployed:
- Added a constraint “primaryKey=“true”” to the following column of “inv_recipient” table.
- Now, the db issue is resolved but the app fails to start even now. On analysing the logs, I could see some “java.lang.ClassNotFoundException” errors in OpenHMIS Inventory and Commons modules. Attaching the logs for your reference.
Console Log
openmrs_cashier_module_issue_1.txt (610.7 KB)
App Log
openmrs_cashier_module_issue_app_log_1.txt (681.7 KB)
Can you please guide me to get past this issue as well?
Can you start by deleting the org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping
from this module?
Sure will give a try @dkayiwa.
But, I am little bit worried about attempting to make those changes because I am not sure if that would be really beneficial as I neither have enough understanding of the module’s code base nor the actual functionality.
Would like to know if there any chances for the actual module owners to make the cashier module work with the latest OpenMRS platform.
The original module authors are no longer able to work on it. So you are encouraged to add the missing pieces. That is exactly why the open sourced it such that people like you can freely contribute.