OpenElis Lab report customization

I want to add openelis logged in username in Jasper lab report near signature.

I edited file. 1). I tried by parameters.put but it print null in lab report.

UserSessionData usd = null;
        if (request.getSession().getAttribute(IActionConstants.USER_SESSION_DATA) != null) {
            usd = (UserSessionData) request.getSession().getAttribute(IActionConstants.USER_SESSION_DATA);

        reportParameters.put("loginName", usd != null ? usd.getElisUserName() : null);

2). I also tried to set LoginName and it also print null in lab report. It also printed null in lab rpeort . UserSessionData usd = null; if (request.getSession().getAttribute(IActionConstants.USER_SESSION_DATA) != null) { usd = (UserSessionData) request.getSession().getAttribute(IActionConstants.USER_SESSION_DATA); } data.setLoginName(usd.getElisUserName());

@angshuonline @swathivarkala

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