Hello Everyone,
Please accept this invitation to our Demo happening tomorrow ( Thursday 21nd March 2019 ) between 5: 00pm - 6 : 00pm EAT .
In this sprint, we worked on the implement feedback provided by stakeholders towards accomplishing the MVP.
Please find more details regarding the demo and the tasks we worked on in this sprint below:-
Date : 21/03/2019
Time : 5 : 00 PM - 6 : 00 PM (EAT)
Sprint Announcement : OpenMRS OCL Client Sprint 16 Announcement
Video Call Link : Hangouts Link
Sprint Wiki : https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/projects/OpenMRS+OCL+Client+Sprint+16
Jira Board : https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?projectKey=OCLOMRS&rapidView=186
Github Repository : https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-ocl-client
OCL live App Link: https://openmrs.qa.openconceptlab.org/
cc @dkayiwa