OCL for OpenMRS squad

@mogoodrich, thanks for establishing this thread! And a shout out to @ball for the link to the notes from the OMRS19 BoF session that focused on setting up a squad.

That meeting went some ways towards figuring out the scope of the squad and who will be doing what. We still need to finish that discussion, including how decisions will get made - and deciding what communication channel(s) to use (see more about communication channels and squads here). To @darius’ point about Slack, there’s no obligation for the squad to use Slack. It’s more important for the squad to agree on what will work best for those on the squad and let everyone know where the conversation is happening.

I suggest that we continue the OMRS19 discussion and talk through these aspects during an upcoming OCL for OpenMRS kickoff call. @herbert24 agreed to PM the first few sprints, so hopefully he can help us set up a call for this week.