O3 Translations!

As most of you know, we use Transifex to translate strings used throughout the OpenMRS application. O3, in particular, has been a real mess for translators, with each project being hosted as a separate Transifex project, requiring a lot of context switching while working across O3 frontend applications.

We have now consolidated all translations of resources across the O3 application into a single project called “OpenMRS 3”. Hopefully this makes things easier for hard-working community members looking to contribute translations.

If you are a community member looking to contribute translations, please do take the opportunity to review our fantastic newly updated translation documentation here: https://om.rs/translate. And if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Global Product Support Team.

We are particularly keen to understand any challenges you run into translating OpenMRS and ideas the community may have for how we can make the process smoother.


Thank you so much Ian!! :star_struck: This will make a big difference - even for me personally in my french translation contributions. It’s wayyyy easier now!! I also love how easy it is now to see the progrss in our O3 EMR translation - e.g. French is close to 100%! :heart_eyes: This also makes it much easier for us to see how our different translator community initiatives are paying off (or will).

4 questions:

  1. It looks like all the “Reviewed” indicators got obliterated? Just looking at the French translations, suddenly it seems even the “reviewed” ones moved to “unreviewed”? We had been going through a lot of strings to mark them as reviewed, as we’ve been really trying to improve our Peer Review approach in translations.

  2. Why not include the fast-data-entry in the o3 translation project?

    • I know this is currently unusably buggy, but the potential is there and I’d love to resurrect this as part of our RFE strategy. Just this morning I sat with someone who mentioned the challenge of adding the backlog of existing paper form records into an EMR when you first get started; this feature addresses that well.
  3. What are the steps to take to get esm-laboratory-app included?

    • Longer-term Pay Off: I can ensure these are included in the translation guide, so future squads have guidance.
    • In the meantime all our french stakeholders are very fast to point out the lack of translation for that specific app.
  4. Content Packages: it would be great to have a few steps for package authors to follow. Ian what would be your mini-checklist advice for groups to follow to ensure their content package connects to Transifex? I’m not sure what our strategy is there.

p.s. I’ve also improved our Translation page on OpenMRS.org: Translate OpenMRS – OpenMRS.org

Unfortuantely, I couldn’t find a way to export that data from Transifex, so it got lost.

Time constraints and focusing on the more actively-developed and translated projects. fast-data-entry and patient-grid (which are kind of similar) will be migrated soonish.

Well, I just merged the PR with the setup after completing the rest of the work. It looks like there’s more to-do. We don’t really have documentation on how to add a new project to Transifex.

Currently Transifex is only used for translating code. We probably need a strategy here, but I think that “translating content packages” is a completely separate topic from translating code.

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Hi. I’m a new member. I want to join this project and contribute to translating from ENGLISH to VIETNAM. But I cannot signup the account on transifex because I haven’t email business! Could you help me?

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Thanks for the fast reply Ian. Another question: Would we consider adding a content repo like this one: GitHub - openmrs/openmrs-content-hiv: An HIV content package for OpenMRS to the OpenMRS 3 Transifex project? Or would it be stand-alone somehow?

@sang9xpro this is wonderful news! We would love to have your help translating from English to Vietnamese.

Sorry what do you mean you “haven’t email business”? You should be able to use the same email you used to sign up for this OpenMRS Talk Forum :slight_smile:

Just follow the steps here and sign up for Transifex.

@grace Thanks for your answer. I have tried with the same email (my email sang9xpro@gmail.com) but still got this error message from transifex: " Only business emails are allowed. You can also click here to join an existing organization or contact our".


@sang9xpro I’ve sent you an invite. There should be the ability to login with Google on the signin screen.

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Thank you! I already registered successfully


Ah I see now what you mean @sang9xpro ; it’s weird that Transifex specifies a “business” email :person_shrugging: Shouldn’t make a difference for our purposes :slight_smile: Welcome again!! We really appreciate your help with Vietnamese translation!! To be extra clear, “OpenMRS 3” is the project to focus on. Here’s a helpful bookmark URL you can use to directly go to the strings that still need Vietnamese translation :slight_smile: https://app.transifex.com/openmrs/openmrs3/translate/#vi/$?q=translated%3Ano

@ibacher at the risk of seeming ungrateful: It seems like when the esm-laboratory-app was added, it looks like English strings were applied throughout the French translation options. I’m just manually fixing this now, though I almost missed it because it didn’t show up in my usual search for “Show me Not-Translated things” because Transifex thinks the translation is done. Is there a way of avoiding this in the future?


Yes, but it’s dependent on future projects not automatically generating the JSON files for non- English languages. Probably something we should ticket to ensure the template app doesn’t do. Unfortunately, if we tell Transifex “these are the French translations” it’s not smart enough to say “those are all English!”.

All that’s to say, I should’ve been more careful…

Yes, thanks. I’m working on project OpenMRS 3. After I complete this task, I would like to join the Foundation team to develop a backend service. Because I’m a Java Developer with more than 9 years experience. I hope that I can join and contribute to the project OpemMRS.

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We’d be more than happy to have you help out there. We have a landing page for developers that want to get started here: https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/25476048/Developer+Documentation.

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Just want to say a huge KUDOS AND THANK YOU to @sang9xpro - we can see your Vietnamese translation work coming in through the automated PRs, like these 60 translations. Awesome!!! :clap: :pray:

I realized today - the RefApp doesn’t have Vietnamese as an option in the UI, so I couldn’t actually experiment to see what is being translated. Made a ticket for someone to fix this - perhaps @sang9xpro you might like to grab this ticket, though I know it’s not Java :sweat_smile: https://openmrs.atlassian.net/browse/O3-4132 It’s pretty easy :slight_smile:

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Thank @grace . Let me work with the first line of code. I’m reading the project’s git flow and then following it. Could you invite me to the project (sang9xpro@id.openmrs.org)? I cannot access to this project on openmrs.atlassian.net

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Wonderful thank you @sang9xpro! Please use this form to get Jira access: Jira Service Management Then our Help Desk team will grant that to you asap :slight_smile:

Quick question: Will OpenMRS O3 support language variations like pt and pt-BR out of the box, or should we handle this with a translation overlay in the configurations?

I checked on Transifex and noticed only the base languages are available. Over the past few days, I’ve been completing the missing translations for Portuguese (pt), and I’m curious if adding variations like pt-BR is something the community is interested in. If so, I’ve already requested to populate pt-BR translations based on the pt dataset.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Hello @filipelopes ! This has been built into OpenMRS from the start. This page shows how to change the language from the admin page (for en_GB). For Brazilian Portuguese, I think it should be pt_BR, but you can check the iso page.


Hi @filipelopes thanks for your question - and THANK YOU so much for your hard work on Portuguese! We were completely amazed when we realized last week that 100% of the OpenMRS v3 strings had been translated into Portuguese. Seriously, WOW! :bowing_man: :pray: Obrigada!!

You ask a good question. We can absolutely support country-specific languages (like pt-BR). The reason we (well, mostly me TBH) have tried to keep the OpenMRS v3 languages in Transifex to non-country-specific was to prevent accidental duplication of effort, or reduction of impact: I figured that until we had a language completely translated, allowing for language_country1, and language_country2, and language_country3 could really dilute / delay overall progress on that language in general. A good example of this right now is I believe Hindi, where we have 2 Hindi’s (hi and hi_in) and they are not in sync and so the effort is not concentrated/focused.

However, now that in this specific case Portuguese is fully translated, I’m interested to explore this. Can you help me understand: Why? What would do you think we’d gain from having pt-BR-specifically? Did you find that there were a lot of Brazil-specific nuances you wanted to be able to capture?

Thanks in advance for helping us improve this strategy :smiley: (There is also the question of how we would make sure pt-BR could still possibly benefit from updates/maintenance/changes to “pt”, and vice-versa; I’m not sure yet what the best practice is for that.)