O3 Release - List of backend modules

Hi all,

As this is going on, there are some backend Maven artefacts that need releasing.

Artefact Snapshot version
Reference Demo Data 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT

Are we good to release these (without missing urgently required changes/fixes in their versions)?

cc @mseaton, @ibacher, @mksd, @dkayiwa, @mksrom

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I’d like to fix that remaining bug in the OCL module (support hyphenated name types) before the next release. I think the demo data module is fine though.

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Ok, I’ve just implemented this fix for supporting hyphens / dashes in nametypes, so I’m happy for 2.1.0 of the OCL module to be released.


Thanks for the quick fixes @ibacher. I’m happy to announce that the following artefacts are now actaully released.

Artefact Released version
OCL 2.1.0
Reference Demo Data 2.3.0