Multiple parties are interested in moving forward Referrals functionality in 3.x, such as Ampath, UCSF, and Palladium (please all, feel free to add more detail here).
Urgency: <2 weeks
There is interest in beginning hands-on work on the 3.x frontend for Referrals in a group workshop btwn some of these orgs starting April 11 2022.
What we already have
Designs: Thank you to Ampath for funding and coordinating the designs for Referrals - see the latest designs here. This includes designs for:
- Ordering a referral directly through the Order basket
- Handling referrals within a form workflow (then those referrals show up in the “Orders” basket)
- Referral lists (i.e. “Patients referred to X service”)
- Tablet Order Basket Prototype in this unmoderated usability test here
Basic backend support for ReferralOrder: Thanks to the Platform Team for hearing me out months ago when we saw this need coming on the horizon (
@burke @dkayiwa @ibacher). They have some discussion around supporting referral orders way down in this Talk thread. TLDR:
- for 2.5.0, we have a “ReferralOrder” concept, but it only supports some very basic fields. I.e., it will likely need some work once we work out what actually goes into a ReferralOrder
- right now ReferralOrder has:
- a “location” field which is a concept to mark where the patient was referred
- the standard “order” fields.
What we need next
- We need Org PMs/BAs interested in Referral Orders to help us i.d. the MVP form requirements for an MVP referral form. (@wamz, @eachillah, @jdick - can you reply here, even just with a few bullet points?)
- Then we will bring this to the platform team, and figure out any additional modelling essential to just get something ready for field use and real-world feedback. Let’s not be too fancy - for now, let’s focus on what is absolutely needed.
CC also @mseaton @ddesimone @mksrom @mksd @mayanja @eudson