O3: *NEW* UI Pattern Library docs - what do you think?


In last week’s OpenMRS UX Design Conference, @alinesilveira and @cduffy from @Sonder shared the first draft of our new UI Pattern Library - check it out here!

:point_right: :link: https://zeroheight.com/23a080e38/p/5933eb-ui-pattern-library :link: :point_left:

Walkthrough recording:


Our Goal: To make it easier for new O3 teams to use O3 (design, development, etc).

We need your help! To check that we’re hitting the right mark for different types of people in the community. Have a look and share your feedback here or in the OpenMRS UX Slack Channel.

NOTE: Only pages with the ready tag at the top of them are complete - i.e. the ones in the screenshot below.

We welcome feedback and suggestions from folks to make sure it’s useful for them.

CC @jdick @pauladams @lousa @aojwang @wamz @eudson @samuel34 @slubwama @jmpango & please CC anyone else you think may be interested.

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To clarify: The kind of feedback we’re looking for is:

  • Does this seem generally on the right track?
  • Are there any gaps?

Example: Service Queues:

  • The whole view of how Service Queues work would be in Zeplin.
  • How a table should look like and behave and filter etc would be documented in the UI Patterns (Zeroheight)