O3: Let's move forward on Lab Orders!

@grace @mksd @burke I just started playing with the new O3 order basket (in conjunction with the work we are doing with Dispensing) and found a feature that seems a bit suspect:

As soon as you open a new drug basket a, new Drug Encounter is created (if there isn’t one already associated with the visit). So, ie, if you just open a basket and close it again without even adding a drug (no mind saving it you’ll end up with an empty drug order encounter. In my opinion, this encounter should not be created until the order is saved. (There’s bigger discussion @mseaton started about even needing to create a separate encounter altogether see Associating data with the correct encounter - #10 by jdick )

Is this the best place to raise this issue?

(And, for what it’s worth and a little humor, I noticed it because due to something that could arguably be considered an unexpected quirk in a custom visit validator provided by PIH EMR , in the PIH EMR case, when I opened the order basket it started endlessly creating thousands of drug order encounters in the visit… :slight_smile: )

Take care, Mark

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