O3 Design libraries for UI customisation

Dear OpenMRS O3 Team,

I am new to front-end design, specifically wireframing and prototyping, but I have some requirements to add additional components and possibly customize the existing flow based on local needs.

I was wondering if it’s possible to obtain the existing component libraries or wireframes for OpenMRS O3 to help speed up the process. This would allow me to modify or add what is needed on particular pages to showcase customizations and gather feedback.

We are planning to use Penpot for this work. I hope the libraries are compatible with Penpot, though I admit I’m not very familiar with the technical aspects.

Could you please provide any direction or resources that might help?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Best regards, Horaira


Hi @horaira.khan! Thanks for the interesting question! Yes, we have a number of resources that will help:

  1. UX Pattern Library: You’ll definitely want to check out: OMRS 3.x · zeroheight
  2. UX Designer Onboarding guide: https://om.rs/o3design
  3. Styleguide: On Zeplin here: Zeplin - Login
  4. All designs for reference: On Zeplin here: (Mostly in the project “Outpatients”) Zeplin - Login I’ve sent you a personal invite to Zeplin; LMK if other team members need an invite as well. In the meantime they can always use our general Zeplin login: u: openmrszeplinreview@gmail.com p: zeplinreview123

And I’m CC’ing our Global Support Team member who works as UX Design Support lead, @pauladams , in case you want to discuss ideas with him directly.

In the meantime may I ask: what are the particular requirements or workflows you have in mind?

Would love to see your sketches and your ideas, please feel super welcome to continue sharing your ideas here, even if they are just pencil-on-napkin! :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much @grace, I have received the invitation.

It’s more of a local requirement/request to bring most of the things onto a single page (not a Single Page Application [SPA]), which the provider can scroll through to see or reach via quick links at the top. We also want inline addition/editing, not in a side window (workspace) :upside_down_face:

It looks complicated to bring everything onto one single page and might lead to “information overload” or “cognitive overload,” but we wanted to have a quick wireframe to see how it looks and get feedback.

I am guessing it would be very challenging to bring everything onto a single scrollable page from a technical perspective as well.

Any experience on this would be very helpful.

I will share some initial sketches soon.

Thanks again!



Hi there, Horaira!

I hope you’re finding what you need in the resources Grace shared, but do let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help.

I’m interested to hear more about the page you are working on… are you a member of the OpenMRS Slack space? We could pick up the conversation there…

Best, Paul

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