Not able to access bahmni from another pc in netwrok.

I am implementing bahmni in a small hospital. I have already installed v0.92 on Cent OS 7.6. This Cent OS is standalone CenOs installation not in any virtual box (it is the main os).

I am not able to access bahmni from another computer(windows or android phone) on the network. I have assigned static IP to the pc(where centos and bahmni is installed) and I am able to ping the pc from cmd.

I searched for answers and found this link but this talks about vagrant box. In my case there is no vagrant box. and being new to all this I am so confused. Can someone please point me to right direction. Thanks.

There’s so much thing to analize about this. But lets simplify this things.

You can ping the the PC, it means that the networking part is ok (at least for ICMP packet). Now let make sure that Apache/httpd is running. You can check it with “sudo systemctl status httpd” or if you already logged in as root just run “systemctl status httpd”. If it stopped, not loaded, you can start with systemd “systemctl start httpd”. Again, make sure that this time it’s running. If its failed, than you can start troubleshooting the apache part (may be wrong configuration). A simple missplaced character in the /etc/httpd/ files can make Apache failed to start.

After that, you can pointed the browser to the Bahmni IP. It should at least show something. If its not, then may be you have to check both firewall configuration (the client and the server). You can check iptables filter from bahmni side, but if you use default configuration, it should be ok.

Lets try that first

First of thanks for replying.

I fired this "sudo systemctl status httpd” and its running/active.

When I type (the assigned ip) in browser it says “site can’t be reached”.

I installed bahmni step by step listening to this video and followed " Securing and Protecting The Bahmni Server" as told in this video. fired this iptables code from here

I am still not able to access it.

Did you access the bahmni server through ssh or directly attache a monitor,keyboard,and mouse?

Is it a direct connection to the cient or at least just through a simple switch or is it behind a router?

Bahmni is installed in a cpu which has monitor, mouse and keyboard attached. This pc is connected to router via ethernet cable.

I am trying to access from a windows laptop, which is connected in the same network by wifi router.

Are you sure the router doest block anything?

But when you said its wifi router, I am pretty sure its behave just like switch for the client behind its

Can you post the output of this command from server

curl -k https://localhost

To make sure that httpd running correctly

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        var getLocalTimeZone = function () {
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            var localTimeZoneList = currentLocalTime.split(" ");
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            return localTimeZone;

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<div class="header_text">
<div class="container">
<h4>GET STARTED</h4>
    <div class="section">
        <div class="launch">
            <a href="/bahmni/home" target="_blank">
                <img src="/bahmni/images/app.png" />
                <span>Clinical Service</span>
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            <button class="info-icon" onclick="toggleInfo(event)">i</button>
            <div class="info-details" style="display: none">
        <div class="section">
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            <a href="/openelis" target="_blank">
                 <img src="/bahmni/images/lab.png" />
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            <button class="info-icon" onclick="toggleInfo(event)">i</button>
            <div class="info-details" style="display: none">
            <div class="section">
        <div class="launch">
            <a id="erp-app-link" target="_blank">
                 <img src="/bahmni/images/bills.png" />
                <span>Stock Inventory <br />& Billing</span>
        <div class="info erp">
            <button class="info-icon" onclick="toggleInfo(event)">i</button>
            <div class="info-details" style="display: none">
<div class="warning-message">
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<div class="bottom-banner-wrapper">
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<div class="power-by">
    <img src="/bahmni/images/bahmniLogoFull.png" alt="Bahmni" >
    <a class="helper_url" href=""> Bahmni Help</a>


Its running.

Now, can you ssh into the server from laptop?

Hi there, I know I am replying so late… I was working on something temprory software solution for hospital as hospital is running now and it needed it. after that done I am back gain on trying and testing bahmni for hospital. For some reason I had to reinstall centos and bahmni, and doing so solved my problem. Now I can access bahmni from my laptop and mobile both.

I needed this to update here about the solution as you helped me in the process. And I am really thankful to you for that.

Glad to hear that