Non-free licensing in bundled modules

Wow. I’m impressed with C3. A simple tool with the power of D3 underneath. While they didn’t have an example of a zoomable time series with reference range, I was able to hack up an example in a few minutes:


i think highlighting the need for a license is enough, right? I know that we did this in Indian Health when we used a proprietary software to do the ages and stages questions for children–so, we indicated that one shouldn’t use the application until one had paid for the license.

we definitely need to indicate this somehow , can someone edit the module repos so that we are clear that the sites using something need to work with HighCharts for a license?

thanks. Terry

Given that OpenMRS is often used by government agencies, people have fairly pointed out that the Highcharts license adds a hurdle that could be expensive or even prohibitory for these groups. Given other libraries are starting to catch up as reasonable alternatives that don’t have the licensing issues, it’s worth considering using them instead. Technically speaking, since these tools generally work by passing JSON data to a javascript library that does all the work, switching from one charting tool to another doesn’t take too much work.


Why not use this – there are versions which aren’t tied up in non-free licenses…

I am looking to open up this ticket to remove graphing via HighCharts in the master branch of this module, while leaving the current functionality included in a 2.x branch.

Thoughts, comments, objections?


:thumbsup:totally :+1: :burke:

@ssmusoke, by “this module” do you mean Data Integrity?

I suggest that you create a new topic with an appropriate title (possibly in the Implementers category rather than Developers) notifying people that you plan to do this and/or checking if someone else considers themself to be the owner of that module, and would want to approach this another way (e.g. swap it out with a free library.