Yes, it can – i’m gonna write a script to cohesivelty tie things together. The reason I use a vagrant box for OpenLDAP is currently we use the slapd.conf configuration – I am gonna continue working on it…it’s not ideal but it works. I wanted something at was usable out now.
To use this in a nutshell:
$ vagrant up && docker-compose up -d && \
cp app/conf.js.example app/conf.js && node build/store.js
Once you register your first user, you can make it an admin with the script that @plypy made – I’m trying to come up with an efficient way to do this…I’m considering packing a sample db with the docker image with an admin user made…
The example config is taillored towards development. All settings are done in such a way that it just works™. No changes should be necessary.
You will see an error when you register about the discourse-sso module – ignore it – it’s not fatal – I don’t think we should enable that outside of development or at the very least use your own discourse instance running. I know I have synced accounts with the main discourse instance here – and I’d rather not clutter the user database with test accounts