Can someone in Bahmni team help me out i.e how to run the openElis global.I know there are two version of openElis available on github one is bahmni modified version and the other is publically available form openElis.I looked for the installation of openElis but didn’t not found any proper guideline. I What are steps involves to run the openElis global.I’m asking this Bahmni using openElis so someone might share their experience.
Hi Naveed, I work as a technical project manager with the OpenELIS global team here at ITECH University of Washington. Please find two links below. The first is to our latest 8.5 RC1 installer, and the second is to the SOP for installation on bare metal. I’ve included the Ubuntu 16 and 12 LTS instructions, but please keep in mind that we are still updating the analyzer plugins for Ubuntu 16, so those will need an update before automatic analyzer imports will work on 16.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I can share my Skype and email with you if that would be helpful, but the SOP should help you get the software installed .
Best wishes, Casey Iiams-Hauser
Thanks for the detail reply,I’m trying it out.thanks
How did it go?
Thanks caseynth2
We need the openElis in a integrated way.We looked to different approaches and concluded that Bahmni does significant amount of work for the integration between openMrs and openElis.We are trying to understand how did they received the integration.
Will you please guide is there any other options available for the integration of openElis with reference application of openMrs.Our current system is window based and it’s for NGO as well,so we are looking for a solution on this platform too.Kindly let us know the possibilities of integration between openElis and openMrs.
So, OpenELIS is designed to send HL7 2.5.1 messages with LOINC Identifiers used to match tests back and forth, and a bridge has been implemented into iSante+ which is based on openMRS. In OpenELIS, the configuration is in Admin -> results reporting. We will be working on a module to support out of the box integration with OMRS and an improved version of OE in Banhmi distributions as well in the future, but for now I don’t know what kind of guidance I can give on the OMRS side.
Thanks,Will you please share more details how we can use the above approach Isante+ with openmrs. If you have Skype please share it so my we can discuss it in more detail.This will be a great favor from your side.We are actively looking to use openElis with openMRS in integrated way.
Hello Caseynth2, I followed your installation guide: OE [SOP]: Ubuntu 16 Bare Metal Server Installation for OpenELIS - Google Docs, for installing openELIS Global on an Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine. When running the command: sudo python -install, I received the following error:
In addition, I visited the site but, I was not able to locate the archives (.tar.gz) version 9.1 of openELIS global. Please, help me to have a complete guide for the installation. Thank you.Ah, please try this installer, it’s 9.1 RC2
Any planned dates?
Hello caseynth2, Thank you for your answer for archive 9.1. I resumed the installation on a new Ubuntu 16.04 machine, this time, when I run the command: sudo python -install, I got the following error:
Thanks for your help.Yeah, we are actually finishing a major re-write to OpenELIS (moving from Struts to Spring) and updates to all the 3rd party libraries, after that we hope the new versions can be integrated into Banhmi
The current OpenELIS Bahmni version has dashboard showing the overall status (patients registered, tests pending, completed etc.) which is missing in OpenELIS Global.
The icons on home page are not active.
Also is there a way to handle multi-location lab?
Are these planned for the coming releases?
Hi, I’ve been able to clone the latest version of open Elis global . I am having a hard time removing the previous version we had integrated in bahmni to this I initially thought it was just to replace the docker images and modify the proxy . I will appreciate any help I can get thank you
For detailed installation instructions and configurations, refer to the OpenELIS Global documentation.