Need to highlight more community-priority tickets

We maintain a list of community-priority tickets, that we try to point developers to when they’re looking for something to work on.

You can see the current list here.

Right now our list of ready-for-work tickets is too short (only 9!). Further 3 of these are not very accessible. Please share your suggestions for tickets to add to this list!

Also, @cintiadr and @raff, we’ve had a couple of tickets about fixing our CI builds to test mariadb (TRUNK-4821 and TRUNK-4822). I imagine that with the improvements that have been made to the SDK, our dockerized demo, and saucelabs work, there’s a better way to approach this. Can one of you please write up a new ticket that describes what should be our way forward for testing mariadb compatibility, and close those other two tickets?

PS- This list is manually maintained, and the criteria are subjective. This works fine for us at present, because the effort-vs-quality tradeoff is good.

Based on, in order to do the same with mariadb, it would require changes in the SDK to create a docker compose file with mariadb.

I don’t know if that build would be ran from travis or from bamboo (I’d probably need to upgrade docker/docker-compose there anyway).

Out of curiosity, I did run the demo docker config with mariadb:10, and it worked without any changes:

@cintiadr, I think it’s also possible to create a docker-compose-mariadb.yml, which would overwrite db, which is defined in docker-compose.yml… no changes in SDK.

@darius, I can write up a ticket… the question is, whether we want to run the whole UI test suite or just a part of it and how often…

@ssmusoke do you think we should add the reference application 2.6 tickets to this?

@dkayiwa Yes go ahead and add the 2.6 tickets

@ssmusoke just add a community-priority label to them. :slight_smile:

Is it effectively free to run a mariadb suite in parallel with our mysql suite?

The cost is that it will increase the time needed to complete the refapp build, because we have a fixed number of slots (5) on suacelabs. It’s 30 minutes at the moment. I’m guessing it will be around 40-50 minutes in total when we add starting up another server with mariadb and running tests.

Given that, I would not run this with every build. Let’s start with once-daily, and then we can adjust from there.

Since it was trivial (Travis is awesome!) I went ahead and added it for every build just to see how long it takes.

Enabled in: Built in: 43 minutes instead of 30 minutes

I’ll change the config to once-daily…