Naming convention for standalone


The current naming convention for standalone distributions for both platform and ref-app is openmrs-standalone-{version}. So, for example, standalones for both platform 2.0 and ref-app 2.0 are named openmrs-standalone-2.0. We need to come up with a better naming convention to clearly distinguish between platform and ref-app. I recommend using openmrs-standalone-{platform/ref-app}-{version}. Please let us know if you have any other recommendations/ suggestions for the naming of standalones by replying to this thread.

Yes, we need to include platform in the name for the platform standalone

I would use the folllowing:

  • openmrs-standalone-platform-5.6.7
  • openmrs-standalone-refapp-7.8.9

I think openmrs-standalone-ref-app-has-too-many-dashes.