For the last two weeks, I was working on the upgrade of Material UI 5. Following the release, Releases · mui-org/material-ui · GitHub I am upgrading the Dictionary Manager UI to Material UI version 5 so that we get updated with the latest release and we get support from the mui-org later.
In the last squad call, I presented the User Persona Dictionary Manager User Personas - Google Slides for Dictionary Manager with the squad, I also explained how I concluded with the three-person, Devin, Connie, and Izzy User Interviews - Dictionary Manager - Google Docs. It was great sharing the process and findings. Further, I am excited to share with the community that in Nepal, we are trying to implement OCL and Dictionary Manager for content management in one of our government hospital which uses Bahmni. So, I am excited and happy to support the team during the implementation.
Further, I spend some of my time updating the roadmap and I updated it with a mini-road map for next month, November following the priorities based on the outcomes of user interviews Dictionary Manager (OCLOMRS) Roadmap - Google Slides . Also, I created a few of the tickets for Dictionary Manager aligning with the roadmap and curated the backlog. We will be having a sprint planning meeting on the first Wednesday of each month on the same squad call so it’s on 3rd November where we will do a retrospective discussion regarding the last sprint and further plan for the next sprint following the roadmap.
For the next month, I am planning to wrap up the upgrade for Material UI and test it in a QA environment and carry out User Testing with implementers for OCL online app.
I spend the first two weeks of November particularly working on User testing for the OCL Web app. We are planning to integrate the UI of Dictionary Manager and the OCL Web app so for more clarification on what our user thinks about the web app we are doing the user testing. I had prepared a set of protocols for user testing User Testing Protocol - Google Docs and I used it as a guideline to interact with our implementer. Thanks to Ellen from PIH and Antony from KenyaEMR for your time to help us know more about your thoughts regarding the application and your valuable feedback. We were able to find a few of the flaws in UX and realized that the users were mostly attracted by OCL’s search feature. Also, the User Testing has helped us to find user’s priority so it is going to help us to design the roadmap for 2022. It will help us to design a user-oriented product.
Further, we had a Dictionary Manager’s focused working session last week for 48 hours where we had some discussions regarding the product and we worked on high priority tasks. We discussed the ongoing issues and worked together for two days on Dictionary Manager. We were able to fix many issues and many blocked tasks were completed when we worked together.
For the rest of November, I will be working on Dictionary manager issues and designing the roadmap for 2022.
The last week and early December was the time of learning and sharing. As we all attended OpenMRS Implementer’s Conference 2021, it was the time of reuniting everyone and sharing.
We had a different session of lightning talks, unconferencing session, Squad Showcases and Plenary Session, and an inspiring virtual site visit. I was so much touched by a virtual site visit by the Intellisoft team. It reflected the work we are doing and how it’s affecting people. Further, the lighting talk was fascinating, I was excited to know everything about Ozone by Mekom, making the internet work in your language was a fruitful session and it was great to know about KenyaEMR usage in tracking COVID19 vaccination infection among PLHIV.
The Squad Showcase was a great session to know about all the squad and I am honored to represent Dictionary Manager Squad at the conference. I had created a video to summarise the squad work and plan for 2022 OpenMRS 2021: Dictionary Manager & OCL Squad Showcase - YouTube . Besides, I like the presentation from QA and FHIR squad. Also, the Plenary sessions: Country-Level OpenMRS Implementation Aspirations & Realities and Implementation Framework and Planning gave mush more idea about the implementation.
I also attended a few unconferencing sessions like OCL, OMRS concept dictionary as FHIR Terminology Service, Bahmni@next: Joining 3.x initiative, 3.x Integrations: Ozone HIS, OpenELIS 2.x update and OpenMRS & OpenHIE: FHIR Roadmap, FHIR IGs, & QA. All the sessions were a great discussion point and it was helpful to know different teams’ thoughts ideas and plans.
I spend my first week of December at OpenMRS Implementer’s conference then continued the regular work of Dictionary Manager.
In Dictionary Manager, we did sprint planning in the squad calls and discussed the issues on the Jira board. Also, my work for upgrading the application to MUI5 has been merged OCLOMRS-1065: Upgrade the MUI to version 5 in dictionary manager by suruchee · Pull Request #760 · openmrs/openmrs-ocl-client · GitHub and can be tested in QA and Staging environment. Further, we are testing the feature of cloning concepts in Dictionary Manager which can be tested in . The cloning feature is to clone a concept from a public source and pull it into the personal source so that any edits can be made. And, we are working on the Clear Content Review feature which is owned by Ken, and we expect to push the feature in the QA environment before Christmas break.
Further, I am attending the planning meetings of Dictionary Manager Plans and Roadmap for 2022 2022 OpenMRS Dictionary Manager Plan - Google Docs . We have concluded what things are needed to be done, further, I will be working with Grace to decide on how to proceed according to plan and when the goals can be delivered.
For the rest of December, I will be working on some of the issues on board and designing goals for 2022.
I am now at the end of my fifteen-month-long fellowship program which was started in October 2021. It was a great experience of learning and sharing.
I would like to thank Jennifer, for making this journey more wonderful with her support and guidance.
Great thanks to both of my mentors Grace and Hadijah, for leading me to the path of competent developer and product manager.
Special thanks to Ian for always helping and guiding us to analyze any problems and helping me improve my coding skills.
Besides, coding the Dictionary Manager squad proved to be a great platform for me to improve my communication and leadership skills. Thanks to all squad members for the great teamwork.
I am looking forward to continuing my work in product management and development in the community.
Hi everyone, I am back with my updates on the fellowship. My previous fellowship successfully ended on 31st of December 2021 and now I have started my new fellowship as a PM from March. I would like to thank OpenMRS and especially Grace and Jennifer for trusting me and again allowing me to contribute to the community as a fellow.
I was always around and looking over the Dictionary Manager and OCL in the previous months and now I am excited with my new responsibilities and committed to improving content management in OpenMRS.
During the first two weeks of March, I was involved in my regular input to user’s assistance. I interacted with Wamathaga and guided him to solve a few of the issues he was facing while using Dictionary Manager and further, I talked with Antony to get an update about his plan to use CIEL as their dictionary. Earlier in February, we were discussing different approaches on how we could make OCL and DM to manage content in his organization including the local concepts, and now finally reached the conclusion to use CIEL. Also, I regularly contacted developers working in DM and subscription module and got updated.
Further, I lead the regular OCL for OpenMRS squad call where we discussed the different use cases of concept customization, thanks to Michael for his efforts to present it among the team.
Now, I have planned to assist the Palladium team during the rest of March and conduct the regular squad call and update the backlog for the subscription module remaining issues.
I spend my last two weeks of March continuing to support the Palladium team. I had a session with Antony, Jacob, and Keziah. I explained how to get started with the OCL and Dictionary Manager application. The session was informative as we covered almost all the features of both applications and compared their usage. I have listed the feedback and questions from Dr. Jacob during the session which include:
Copy dictionary Feature- It would allow KenyaEMR to create individual dictionaries for all hospitals, starting with a Master Dictionary and then making the modifications for individual hospitals.
Feedback system - When creating content for EHR, most users make concepts then reach out to the CIEL team to verify and consolidate concepts. But our users wish for a feedback loop system within the OCL TermBrowser rather than reaching out to the CIEL team and waiting for updates.
Privilege and Hierarchy within Organization creation and adding members - User wants member hierarchy e.g. Admin, Manager, Junior. The organization has multiple members but the content manager does not want all members to have edit privileges
Notification system - notifying main admin when someone in your org has made a change
Do not want to review everything, but wants to be notified about everything that is changed
After the session and concluding the findings, I shared them with Jonathan, Joe, and Grace and discussed possible features that can be addressed soon. But we still need more discussions on the Feedback and Hierarchy feature.
Further, I lead the Dictionary Manager squad call, discussed the issues in the current application, and created tasks to address them. Also, I reviewed, tested, and merged two Pull Requests in the OCL client application. I also spend some of my time creating backlog issues for subscription module errors [OCLOMRS-1092] Remaining issues in OpenMRS module OCL - OpenMRS Issues.
I have planned to regularly look after Dictionary Manager and OCL and provide support to users during April.
I am back with my fellowship updates. I resumed my fellowship in June after two months. During the first week of June, I spent my time catching up with some of our fellows and squad members. I went through the official kick-off call record and learned about the google classroom. I am excited to use the classroom as it is organized and helps to keep the progress of work within a given timeline.
I had a call with my mentor Grace where we discussed the current priorities of OCL and OpenMRS Dictionary Manager. We also discussed my fellowship goals and concluded how I can contribute to metadata management and OCL.
I have planned to use and update my fellowship plan within the document. I will be having weekly calls with my mentor, and attend and lead the Dictionary Manager squad call. Further, I will be focusing on communication and research on different Global Goods OCL users.
I will also revise and document my fellowship goals.
I spend the last two weeks of June mainly working on alignment and research.
I aligned with my mentor Grace and checked in with my goals this month and discussed the areas I could work on. Then during the last check-in, we discussed my achievement and finalized my new goals suruchi dhungana - Fellowship Plan Template - Google Sheets .
As per my fellowship plan, I aligned with our implementers. I talked with Wamathaga and Casey and found some of the existing bugs and UI sections which users often find confusing. I then forwarded the bugs to discuss with Joe and discussed the UI changes with Paul. Paul and I also discussed the form designs he is working with, now I will be working closely with the design team to enhance Term Browser UI.
In the last squad call, we discussed the idea of the OpenMRS OCL module and from now onwards I will be following up to clear the idea and fix the existing bugs.
In Addition to communicating with different personnel from different organizations and aligning with squad members, I have researched metadata management of different applications which might benefit from OCL. I am going to share my findings on DHIS2, CommCare, and RedCap on the next squad call.
I have planned to work as per my fellowship plans for the next month including the communication, alignment, roadmap, and presentation of my research.
Hi everyone, I am back with my updates from the first two weeks of July. We had a very exciting All Hands fellowship meeting this month. I got to meet with a few of our fellows this year after I joined the fellowship in June. As I was keen to meet everyone, it was great to connect and know how the fellowship journey is going on.
As a part of user research for OCL, I aligned with Casey from OpenELIS and learned how the team is using OCL for metadata management using APIs and XML configuration. Further, it was discovered that metadata management with OCL is helpful to users rather than OpenELIS itself because of some major reasons, which include:
Version Independent: Concepts in OCL can easily be pulled and used regardless of different versions of OpenELIS and data can also be pulled and used in any version.
Integration: It is easier to manage data among applications when integrated with other Global Goods like OpenMRS.
Easy Implementation: Concepts for lab tests and panels can easily be changed and updated in OCL which makes multiple site implementation a lot easier.
I aligned with Tendayi and learned about REDCap and its usage. I also studied its features and functionality from videos Videos – REDCap.
Further, I and Joe worked on a Workflow comparison video between Dictionary Manager and OCL term browser and proposed a workflow for easy content management in OCL We also discussed the workflow in the squad and planning to work in the direction.
I am planning to work together with the OCL team for the rest of the month and present my research among the squad, receive feedback and work to better represent users.
Working closely with UX/Design colleagues is a foundational tenet of good Product Management. This is a great example, Suruchi, of doing continuous “discovery” with your users, then acting on discovery findings together as a “product team” (which means PM + UX + Eng). I also love how you’re working more closely with Joe. Ultimately we can do everything else in Product Management perfectly, but if we’re not excelling at communication with team members, we’ll never see real product success. So well done and keep it up
Many PMs feel like they need to have all the answers themselves - but we are a team. The best product ideas I’ve ever worked on have come from discussions with the whole product team (PM + UX + Eng).
Wow! I didn’t realize OpenELIS had created their own connection with OCL via the API - FYI @paynejd!
Suruchi do you know what exactly @caseynth2 & team had to configure using the XML configuration?
Great point!! I hadn’t even thought about this. Seems this is relevant for any global good.
This is very very validating for our hypothesis that OCL will make Global Goods integration & implementation easier
During the last two weeks of July, I worked closely with the OCL team. I joined the OCL-Bahmni call where I met Bahmni team members and learned about their plan to integrate OCL with Bahmni. It was interesting to know that the team is planning to include CIEL as their master dictionary in Bahmni Lite. I am excited to observe the use case and now, I will be working closely to help the Bahmni team for easy integration.
Further, I joined the OCL Design call and learned about the latest design from Paul about the forms and adding mappings to concepts. Also, we discussed the requirements gathered from the workflow comparison and decided to include the features in OCL.
As I was doing research on OCL usage in some of the global goods, I presented the result to the squad and received the feedback, and learned how integration among any global goods is so well supported by OCL. The presentation slide can be viewed at OCL User Research - Google Slides and video recording at, OCL for OpenMRS Squad - Indiana University.
Awesome! I did not know this. That’s great. I know we will benefit from having more Bahmni folks as users & receiving their input
@gsluthra@akhilmalhotra awesome - so glad we can offer you some support. As you can see above, we have a wider hope that eventually OCL could help with semantic interoperability across Global Good systems (eg OMRS ↔ LIS ↔ etc). Your input will be great to have.
Hello everyone, my last two weeks have been full of new experiences. At the beginning of the week, I prepared my fellowship goal for this month and shared it with my mentor.
Clear documentation in the OMRS community of how to use OCL with OpenMRS / recommended approaches
Clear documentation of what OMRS’ OCL Module does, possible gaps, i.d. roadmap items that need work
Understanding Bahmni; use case for what’s needed for the onboarding
Design participation & representing OMRS user needs to OCL
As I want to support Bahmni Lite for easy OCL integration, I scheduled a call with the Bahmni team where we discussed the issue the team was facing so, to solve it we had another call with the OCL team where Joe helped the Bahmni team to resolve different issues and help the team understand OCL features. The call recording is at and Joe also prepared documentation about collection management in OCL Basic Collection Management in OCL - Slides - Google Slides. Thanks Joe for guiding us with the great presentation at the meeting and sharing all resources.
Further, Joe and I are continuing to work on the version and expansion workflow for OCL OCL/OpenMRS Collection Management Workflows - Google Slides while preparing the workflow we realized a need to confirm the current workflow with one of our users. So I had a call with Wamathaga where we discussed what he and his team do for creating versions and how it is used and how concepts are used in OpenMRS. It was interesting to know that the OHRI team uses concepts only in the form builder to create forms. And now, the workflow and uses discussed with him are input into the workflow.
Also, Joe and I will be working together to provide input for OCL design, collaboratively work on a roadmap and prepare an OCL-OpenMRS document including the features and best practices. We will be representing all the needs of OpenMRS users and work in the direction to make all Global Goods integration with OCL a lot easier.
Further, I attended the OCL team workshop, which is a mid-year reflection for the OCL. Thanks for inviting me to the workshop Jon. It was great to know everyone and their desired place to travel at the beginning of the call. Overall we discussed how 2022 is going so far and the plans for the remaining months in 2022 and different goal setting for the team. I provided input from the side of OpenMRS users. The discussion board can be viewed at OCL Mid-year Reflection 2022 - Google Jamboard.
We also had an OHIE monthly call, where Wamathaga presented OHRI. It was great to learn about his experience and how OHRI is being benefited from OCL, his challenges, and the team’s workflow.