My OpenMRS Fellowship Journey: David Asaolu

Hello everyone! I am David Asaolu, a Technical Writer and Software Engineer from Lagos, Nigeria. I am happy to announce that I recently joined OpenMRS as a Technical Writer Fellow.

Before OpenMRS, I worked as a Freelance Technical Writer, creating clear how-to guides and documentation for various products, helping developers understand the benefits and usage of different software tools. I also had the opportunity to work with a few open-source companies to help create demo projects and guides that demonstrate the capabilities of their products.

It is my first week, and I’m really excited to start working on my first task, which involves creating clear and compelling articles about the little-known stories and recent technical works happening at OpenMRS. So yes, you will see some of my works on the OpenMRS blog :grinning:.

I’d also like to thank @erica and @grace for making the onboarding process very easy for me. I am excited and looking forward to working with the Global Product Support Team under @grace’s mentorship for the next few months of the fellowship.

Finally, I’d like to thank OpenMRS for this incredible opportunity to contribute to improving global healthcare. I look forward to contributing to the growth and development of this community.