My Fellowship Journey : Mutesasira Moses

Working with HAPI and the HAPI-FHIR-JPA server.

in the previous weeks ,
i have majorly focused on development around the HAPI-FHIR server , and studying different behaviors of how data is persisted in there. see my Talk Post here .

I have basically been working on supporting the collect_data_operation with in the HAPI-SERVER, so that it can process the Measure resource to extract the data that would be necessary for the calculation of the TX_PVLS indicator , and Dockerising HAPI-server instances for PLIR intergration

I have also continued contributing to the development of the FHir Analytics Engine Component , and having mentorship session with my mentee @gcliff .

Next Tasks would involve ,focusing on Possible CQL intergrations into PLIR from other teams like Intra-health .